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The Best of Belt Year One

When Belt Magazine launched one year ago, we did so for one basic reason: We felt that Cleveland and other cities in the Rust Belt were being defined by outside media that didn’t know us. We wanted to tell our own story ourselves.

2020-06-26T10:56:19-04:00September 23, 2014|

Issue One

Our distinct region — friendly to artists and startups, with problems and bright ideas–deserves outlets for thoughtful, in-depth coverage that [...]

2015-01-28T11:57:51-05:00August 18, 2013|

The Tiny Record Empire in Cleveland

There’s only one Berry Gordy, but Rust Belt America in the 1960s and ‘70s was also home to at least a handful of African-American-run recording studios that thrived without bank loans ...

2015-01-28T11:42:54-05:00August 18, 2013|