Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland Anthology provides an inside-out snapshot of the city, containing contributions by established authors and newcomers alike. Rust Belt Chic tells stories about failure (mills closing), conflict (Pekar’s constant grousing), growth (a thriving Iraqi immigrant community) and renewal (moving away only to, finally, return home). Put together, these stories create a new narrative about Cleveland that incorporates but deepens and widens the familiar tropes of manufacturing, stadiums and comebacks. The print version contains 38 essays and images; the ebook includes 50. Edited by Richey Piiparinen and Anne Trubek, it is available in print and expanded electronic form.
- Buy the print book directly from us at Big Cartel (free shipping). (Buy 5 copies and receive a 25% discount)
- Buy a book AND a t-shirt for just $30.00 here.
- Buy the print book from an online realtor like Amazon
- Buy the expanded ebook with 12 additional essays from Kindle, Nook or iPad
- Buy the book from the following businesses:
Mac’s Backs
Visible Voice Books
Cleveland Museum of Art Store
Loganberry Books
Native Cleveland
Appletree Books
Joy Machine Bike Shop
Kokoon Gallery
Cleveland Hostel
Mindfair Books
Blush Boutique
CLE Clothing
Evie Lou
Ohio Knitting Mills
The Open Office
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