Envisioning a Progressive Future for Lima, Ohio
Lima’s current mayor is retiring after thirty-two years. Sharetta Smith, his current chief of staff, says “it’s time for the next generation to lead.”
Lima’s current mayor is retiring after thirty-two years. Sharetta Smith, his current chief of staff, says “it’s time for the next generation to lead.”
A 2020 study found that formerly redlined neighborhoods are hotter than other areas in the same city. Here’s why.
The city illustrates, starkly, the challenges and opportunities of the country in 2020.
The changing geography of poverty in Illinois and across the country.
Prison gerrymandering is distorting democracy in states across the Midwest and nationwide, leaving incarcerated people with inequitable representation—or none at all.
The podcast highlighted issues in the city's criminal justice system. Where do residents go from here?