Living in East Chicago, Workshop of America
However, maybe because of the cantankerous aging process or a rekindled love for the region’s history, I often find myself staring at these sites now, wondering what once was and one day could be.
However, maybe because of the cantankerous aging process or a rekindled love for the region’s history, I often find myself staring at these sites now, wondering what once was and one day could be.
The concept and meaning of risk changed as we aged. As kids, the risk of our fathers losing their factory jobs never occurred to us. The notion that anything as large and permanent as the factories would disappear seemed ludicrous.
The Evanston, Illinois-based fabrics giant is closing its flagship retail location, marking the end of an era (but not the company).
"I heard the dreams of a revisionist age, / the once upon a time / of a land strong in industry."
"It feels so foreign now, this kind of shared experience in real time."
Ten stories our readers kept coming back to.