Bard in the Belt

That observation made me wonder if there might not be something particularly “Shakespearean” about the Rust Belt, the arc of success and devastation, the clashing of all of those villainous characters during the Gilded Age and the nobility of those who resisted them, and the narrative culmination of the post-industrial landscape as blasted as Lear’s heath.

2023-11-26T16:26:54-05:00November 13, 2023|

The Heart of It All

Set in a failing small town in central Ohio, this excerpt from Christian Kiefer's new novel from Melville House The Heart of It All asks how one manages, in an America of increasing division, to find a sense of family and community. Available September 12, 2023. 

2023-09-15T20:19:05-04:00September 10, 2023|