News of the Rust Belt from around the world, brought to you weekly by the staff of Belt Magazine. We’re independently owned; become a member and support us (plus get cool stuff for free!).
No Hard Evidence Found That Cop Ordered Boy To Raise Hands in Tamir Rice Case [NBC News] “Documents released Saturday by the prosecutor handling the racially charged case detail the moments before the brief, deadly encounter — and how the responding officers seemed almost shell-shocked as Tamir Rice lay dying outside a rec center.”
A Visual History of Inequality In Industrial America [YouTube TedTalks]
For the last 12 years, LaToya Ruby Frazier has photographed friends, neighbors and family in Braddock, Pennsylvania. But though the steel town has lately been hailed as a posterchild of “rustbelt revitalization,” Frazier’s pictures tell a different story, of the real impact of inequality and environmental toxicity. In this short, powerful talk, the TED Fellow shares a deeply personal glimpse of an often-unseen world.
Pittsburgh Has Become The Center of The National Maker Movement [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette] “The Maker Faire might be headquartered in Washington, but walk around Pittsburgh and it seems like every week is a week of making. During the last five years, a burgeoning maker culture has spread across the city. From entrepreneurs collaborating in community maker-spaces to kids hammering away in libraries, Pittsburgh has become a national focal point of the movement. Plus, a group of the city’s most influential leaders called the Remake Learning Council have come together to lead the national conversation on making and innovation.”
Ontario Is Not The Rust Belt, But It Keeps Racking Up Its Deficits [The Globe and Mail] From 1999 to 2013, both Ontario and Quebec had markedly worse financial performance than the Rust Belt states, even though they enjoyed much stronger economies. Ontario’s real GDP grew at a compound annual rate of 1.9 per cent, and Quebec’s was close behind at 1.8 per cent. In contrast, the fastest-growing Rust Belt economy was Indiana’s, at 1.3 per cent, while the dismal Michigan economy actually shrank slightly in real terms.
The Fight For Equality in Charleston, From Denmark Vessey To Clementa Pinckney [The Atlantic] The original plan for Denmark Vesey’s uprising is July 14, Bastille Day. It is moved back to midnight on June 16 — they plan to free the slaves, and fight their way down to the docks — meaning the fighting will be on June 17. Historians don’t like coincidences. Either it’s a terrible coincidence, or he knows this history. The fact that June 17 would have been the day of the fighting is troubling.