News of the Rust Belt from around the world, brought to you weekly by the staff of Belt Magazine. We’re independently owned; become a member and support us (plus get cool stuff for free!).

Cooley Reuse Project One Step Closer To Getting The Keys [Detroit Metro Times]
Cooley Reuse Project … aims to transform the architecturally significant Cooley High School, which has been vacant for a few years, into a multi-use commercial property. The duo driving the effort was husband-and-wife team Nicole Pitts and LaMar Williams.

Pittsburgh to Cleveland: Four Decades of Rock ‘n’ Roll Anarchy [Carnegie Museum of Art]
I often joke that I take loud photos, but in essence that is part of what I’m trying to capture, those unique moments in a concert experience: the emotions, the movement, the sweat, the facial expressions, the flying beer. I not only want you to see my photos, I want you to hear them too.

Twin Ports Are Key To ‘Opportunity Belt’ [Duluth News Tribune]
“It’s really important we dismiss that derogatory term, Rust Belt, and take up the mantle of what this really is about, and that is opportunity … We have to break away from putting ourselves into mindsets that limit the possibilities. Sometimes people tend to focus on what we can’t do instead of what we can do.”

West Side Neighborhood’s Luck Running Dry Again [Cincinnati Enquirer]
The question now is what all this change means for South Fairmount’s makeover, and whether the finished product will resemble the colorful artist renderings of flowering trees, flowing water and lush park space they showed off four years ago.

What Great Lakes Shipwrecks Can Teach Us: Christopher H. Gillcrist [Plain Dealer]
Perhaps if people better understood the rich history of our Great Lakes, they might be more inclined to preserve the natural resource … the volume of the water in the Great Lakes serves another purpose: Eighty-four percent of the surface fresh water in North America and a different story in every drop.

Bike ‘Library’ Opens In Downtown Harrisburg [The Patriot-News]
A bike share simply involves making bicycles available for shared use on a short term basis. People rent a bike from a kiosk or bike rack and commute around a city, avoiding traffic congestion. The Downtown Improvement District believes in creating a bike friendly city for visitors and residents, alike … .

The Comeback Of The Great Lakes States [Forbes]
For generations the Great Lakes has been hemorrhaging people to the rest of the country, mainly the South and West. But that outflow has recently slowed, and in some cases reversed. According to demographer Wendell Cox, the rate of outmigration from Cleveland and Detroit has been cut by half or more while some metro areas, including Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio, are firmly in positive territory. In contrast, Los Angeles, New York and even the Silicon Valley hub of San Jose continue to lose people to other regions.

Banner photo credit: Carl Wycoff

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