The Brelo Verdict: Safety in Numbers for the Police
When the verdict came down Saturday in the Michael Brelo case—the case of the Cleveland police officer who found it necessary to fire 49 shots into a car, killing two unarmed people ...
When the verdict came down Saturday in the Michael Brelo case—the case of the Cleveland police officer who found it necessary to fire 49 shots into a car, killing two unarmed people ...
When Anthony Trzaska hears or reads “Slavic Village” in news reports, he knows what is coming next.
Hardly anyone noticed this last one. There were a few articles in the Plain Dealer and the national press jumped in a bit, and some of his friends and relatives did put some foil balloons and prayer candles on a telephone pole ...
There are times when Mark Twain was right, that numbers are lies and damn lies and all that, but there are others times when the numbers line up so pointedly that they connect the dots in a way that no verbal argument ever could.
In 2013, the number of law enforcement officers killed in this country in the line of duty by firearms (33) was the lowest since 1887, when the U.S. population was about 240 million less than it is now.