Detroiters are Talking. Listen to Them.

It is satisfying and terrifying seeing so much of Detroit outside Detroit these days. Detroiters on the small screen, the Comedy Central series about, well, Detroiters, coupled with Detroit, the much-debated Kathryn Bigelow flick meant to inspire conversation about police brutality through a 50-year-old lesson learned during our riots.

2017-11-06T23:40:38-05:00October 16, 2017|

On Leaving Detroit

I have a dear friend who is planning to leave Detroit very soon to move West. After living in and around Detroit all his life, he is taking a new job in sunny California. He is, by definition, the very demographic Michigan wants to hold on to...

2016-03-21T08:23:17-04:00March 18, 2016|

Happy Birthday, Jackass!

It is with great pride that we at Belt announce the birth of our newest book: Aaron Foley's How to Live in Detroit Without Being a Jackass, which officially hits the streets today.

2015-12-01T10:15:55-05:00December 1, 2015|

Can Detroit Save White People?

OK, so, all you white people coming from Brooklyn (or L.A., or Portland, or Austin, or Chicago, or London, or whatever) to Detroit looking to “save” yourself: What, exactly, are you saving yourself from?

2025-01-07T16:14:46-05:00July 16, 2015|