Wisconsin’s Wooden Skyscrapers

But the biggest and most transformative benefit of mass timber is invisible. Since trees absorb and store CO2 as they grow, they have the potential to sequester carbon at scale — if harvested responsibly. Buildings could go beyond net-zero and achieve negative emissions.

2024-10-02T14:30:53-04:00September 26, 2024|

Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin

“What sets Wisconsin’s Frank Lloyd Wright Trail apart is the comprehensive examples that you’ll see of Wright’s architecture, including a church, affordable housing, a warehouse, a civic building and his own 800-acre estate."

2024-09-19T09:01:32-04:00September 12, 2024|

Colleen Moore’s Fairy Tale Castle of Chicago

Moore used her fairies and their castle to stitch up an alarmingly tattered social contract, providing an occasion for people of all ages, races, classes and backgrounds to look together at an astonishing object and to contemplate how collaboratively through the pooling of their individual contributions, they could move proverbial mountains.

2024-04-22T10:11:10-04:00April 15, 2024|