To Be Marquette

“If you lived up here, you’d know what it was. It’s all anyone talks about. You’re either for it: it’s going to create jobs. Or you’re against it: it’s bad for the environment. No one’s neutral.”

2023-12-15T12:01:38-05:00December 11, 2023|

The Heart of It All

Set in a failing small town in central Ohio, this excerpt from Christian Kiefer's new novel from Melville House The Heart of It All asks how one manages, in an America of increasing division, to find a sense of family and community. Available September 12, 2023. 

2023-09-15T20:19:05-04:00September 10, 2023|

Charting the Pittsburgh Novel with Jake Oresick

"I do appreciate titles that use the terrain instead of making their characters sit inside. I also enjoy titles that reveal the parts of our region that outsiders are unlikely to see, like Homewood, Butler, or old school, residential Oakland. Yinzers don't gaze down from Grandview Avenue all day like the movies would have you believe."

2023-08-14T09:44:34-04:00August 9, 2023|