We are gathering writing that furthers the discussion of the shooting of Tamir Rice in Cleveland and related issues of police violence.

UPDATE: On October 10, 2015, the Prosecutor’s Office’s releases a report in which outside experts state the officers acted reasonably.  The law firm representing Tamir Rice’s family calls the report a ‘whitewash.‘  

Tamir Rice’s Family: Prosecutor is on a Quest to Avoid Accountability (October 11, 2015 NPR)

For more of Belt’s coverage see the following stories:

A Chilling View: Protesting the Tamir Rice Shooting in Cleveland,” by Kevin Tasker (Nov. 24, 2014)

Mayor Jackson Was Wrong About Ferguson and Cleveland,” by Peter Pattakos (Nov. 25, 2014)

A Safer World? On Militarization and Police Violence,” by Daniel J. McGraw (Nov. 25, 2014)

From Cleveland to Ferguson, With Love,” by Mistinguette Smith (Nov. 28, 2014)

Boy Shot,” by Krystal Sierra (Dec. 1, 2014)

Love’s Anger: The Rust Belt Can Make Injustice Visible,” by Roy Horton (Dec. 10, 2014)

Scenes from the Department of Justice investigation into the Cleveland Police Department,” by Belt staff (Dec. 17, 2014)

It’s Murder,” by Afi Scruggs (Jan. 12, 2015)

Silence of the City: Why Isn’t Cleveland Speaking Out About Police Violence?” by Daniel J. McGraw (March 30, 2015)

Elsewhere on the internet:

Anna Clark (editor of Belt’s Detroit Anthology) writes a long, detailed and damning take of the Northeast Ohio Media Group’s coverage of the Tamir Rice shooting.

Afi Scruggs writes a very thorough column about cleveland.com’s coverage of the shooting: “Depicting black/brown boys and men as violent criminals from poor upbringing is an established media narrative that Tamir didn’t quite fit. But Cleveland.com, the website of the city’s former paper of record,  tried to make him fit into the narrow narrative anyway, by reporting on the criminal misdeeds of his parents instead.”

Cleveland Scene’s Sam Allard on cleveland.com’s coverage: “manufacturing ex post facto causal links between Tamir Rice’s parents and the 12-year-old’s ‘randomly aiming what looks like a real gun in various directions,’ is dangerous. It’s also beside the point.”

Former East Cleveland mayor Eric Jonathan Brewer has a lengthy Facebook post on felony take down procedures and how they were clearly not followed when Tamir Rice was shot.

Congresswoman Marica Fudge‘s statement on the shooting and her letter from August 2014 to Eric Holder about Cleveland “requesting a formal court sanctioned agreement between the City of Cleveland and DOJ to return policing to the people.”

Mansfield Frazier argues that “It may come along kicking and screaming, fussing and fighting, dragging its heels every step of the way … but make no mistake, the Cleveland Division of Police is going to change the way it does business

To better understand the difference between the NEOMG and the Plain Dealer, read Anna Clark’s article from February here.

Belt senior writer Daniel J. McGraw writes in the Guardian on the possibility of a “long, hot summer” of police violence in Cleveland.

Pacific Standard puts the problem in national perspective with this report on the  recent President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

Cleveland.com reports on the City of Cleveland’s Very Bad Week in court, and suggests the system may finally be waking up to the DOJ report.

Feel free to add additional links in the comments, as we will continue to update this page.