The second installment of a comics series, Harvey & Me, written by Anne Elizabeth Moore and drawn by Melissa Mendes. The full series can be found here.HARVEY&ME2Anne Elizabeth Moore is an award-winning journalist and Fulbright scholar born in Winner, South Dakota. Her writing has appeared in The Baffler, Al Jazeera, Salon, Wilson Quarterly, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Onion, Tin House, and Truthout. She is the former editor of Punk Planet and the Best American Comics. Her art has appeared in solo exhibitions at the MCA, in the Whitney Biennial, and in shows on three continents. Her recent books include Unmarketable, Cambodian Grrrl, and New Girl Law. She lives in Chicago.

Melissa Mendes lives and works in Hancock, Massachusetts, where she grew up. She went to Hampshire College,and received her MFA from The Center for Cartoon Studies. In 2010 she received a Xeric Grant to publish her graphic novel, Freddy Stories. She has drawn comics with the Ladydrawers for and Bitch Media, and she illustrated a chapter book titled Jack Strong Takes a Stand for Roaring Brook Press. Her serial comic Lou was published in 17 issues by Oily Comics. She is currently working on a webcomic called The Weight, an epic family drama inspired by her late grandfather’s life.

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