Here at Belt’s RNC Watch we have our eyes on the windup in Cleveland to the Republican National Convention in July — but some mission drift into the realm of Trumpwatch may be inevitable. As it is today, because I had to share the fact that (thanks to Belt’s upcoming coverage?) I’m now on the mailing list for books like this monstrosity, which landed a few days ago. Are you SURE Dick Morris isn’t angling for a job?

Meanwhile, Politico reports that after a brief thaw, the RNC relationship to Trump has iced over again, even as Reince Preibus insists everything is A-OK.  And, of course, there was this chilling report from a Trump rally, which you may have seen, from Greensboro, N.C. This week covering the convention feels, for the first time, more frightening than fascinating. To calm the nightmares I read this, by Rick Perlstein: Campaigns and Chaos: What Democrats need to know about violence at Trump rallies. I recommend it.

Anyway, here in Cleveland:

Got RNC tips? Send them our way, to [email protected].

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