Refugees In The Rust Belt

While the USA wrestles with the politics and policies of immigration and refugees, Belt presents nine moving essays about refugees living throughout the Rust Belt…

2017-01-31T14:19:26-05:00January 31, 2017|

In Cleveland (2016)

Filmmaker Ian Mantgani traveled from London to Cleveland in July to join Belt for the Republican National Convention. Here, just in time for Thanksgiving weekend, is the stunning result. Trump, Tamir, hope, despair, casual racism and potent rage: it's all here. Enjoy.

2016-12-11T11:17:38-05:00November 23, 2016|

A Little More on Pokemon Go and Tamir Rice

Two weeks ago an article started making the social media rounds in Cleveland and beyond -- a Belt article, about the curious online text that marked the west-side gazebo where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed in 2014.

2016-08-03T08:27:00-04:00August 3, 2016|

Among the Alt-Racists

I’m eating an Isaly’s chipped chopped ham sandwich on a bench outside a convenience store in Pittsburgh. A racist sits across from me. We are both from the Midwest, yet thousands of miles distant in terms of worldview.

2017-11-27T07:26:27-05:00July 29, 2016|