A Tourist’s Guide to the Cleveland You Can’t See
Meeting up with a couple non-media, non-RNC-affiliated locals for a pre-dinner drink, I asked for their first impressions on the circus. As a steady parade of politically costumed outsiders streamed
Meeting up with a couple non-media, non-RNC-affiliated locals for a pre-dinner drink, I asked for their first impressions on the circus. As a steady parade of politically costumed outsiders streamed
When big events come to town, a city needs to clean house, make everything shine. Think Bejing in 2008, as it prepared to host the Olympics. Think Rio De Janiero right now.
Old Stone Church, 10:15 a.m. Thursday. A banner on the front door reads, “Exhale Love!” Exhale. But not yet. Old Stone Church, 10:15 a.m. Thursday. It feels as though the entire city is waiting, holding its breath.
Video: Talking to a Street Vendor at the RNC
I arrived in Cleveland convinced the RNC would be the death of me. There is not a drop of hyperbole in this statement. And it’s true what they say: when people think they’re close to death, they do crazy things.
Video: A Walk in the RNC
“There’s a saying in America,” says Ian Vargas. “It’s be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it.” Ian Vargas and Gina Perez are giving Trump what he wants. A wall.
“I’m not here because I agree with everybody.”
Public Square, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. Some guy is sprawled out on the steps at the front edge of the speaking stage below the Moses Cleaveland statue, fast asleep.
The gazebo at Cudell Recreation Center is four miles away from the Republican National Convention. It is also a stop on the popular augmented reality game Pokemon Go.
Search for downtown Cleveland on Google Earth before Friday and a giant, pixelated blob of commemorative Trump-themed swag will appear before your very eyes.
As it turns out, even after a lifetime of stupid questions, there are still more to be asked. I learned this on day two of the Republican National Convention, when I went around asking one: “How do you define the American Dream?”